10 ways to make money NOW during Coronavirus #lockdown

10 ways to make money at home whilst in lockdown by @f17one:


1. Buy a pasta-maker from Amazon. Make Pasta at home, sell it.


2. Rent your car out to someone that needs a car.


3. Offer services such as shopping to older rich people.


4. Teach a language remotely e.g. English!


5. Start a farm at home.


6. Offer space to someone that needs it. For example, your garage to a person that needs to work or make content.


7. Bid on LOTS of things very cheaply. The ones you get at a silly price, re-market and sell online for a higher price by doing a long auction and ending on Sunday evening.


8. Sell things you’re not using on eBay.


9. Write a book, make music or make something. Use Amazon, eBay, re-seller companies and groups/ forums to sell them.


10. Start a youtube channel. Pick a topic you know about. Search content and use the filter to find those with Creative Commons license. Re-use them in your own video. Be consistent and persistent.


The best of luck with making money online whilst at home.