My friend Bill!

This is my friend Bill, 34 years ago this day! In college, when we were 17, myself and some of the guys decided to get him a stripogram! So we smuggled a girl into the canteen and off she went. It was crazy and so hilarious, even the teachers came to get a peek! But was it hilarious for shy and quiet Bill? 🤔

A few years later, I was driving him and some other friends somewhere at 2 a.m. and somehow I managed to flip the car onto its roof nearly killing Bill!

Fast forward a few years later and I was such a crazy driver that I had 3 accidents in one day with him in the car. He came out of all of them in one piece!

He is shy, I am loud. He likes to drink, I don’t drink. He likes rock, I like chill. He smokes, I hate the smell of cigarettes.

We have had our ups and downs and we didn’t even speak for a whole year back in our thirties - I really can’t remember why.

As the years have gone by and college seems a distant happy memory, our earnings have gone their own way too. He has a great job with good earnings but I have gone on to another level. I only say this because traditionally, many a friendships break up when there is such a huge gap in what each friend earns. Money breaks many friendships.

I even moved abroad and that didn’t kill our friendship either! I am proud and happy to say that after 34 years, we are still friends and see each other regularly.

I wish more people were like him. Easy-going, relaxed, forgiving, non-judgemental and loyal. Friends can last you for your whole lifetime; they are there for you when others are not and can be a great source of therapy. We often don’t value certain friendships as much as we should or we take friends for granted.

Is there someone that you were unfair to, that perhaps can still be a great friend to you for the future? Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate!